List of Top 10 Most Popular And Favorite Fruits Of United States of America (USA)

Most eaten fruits of the USA

1. Apple

  1. The fruit is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and C and has numerous minerals like calcium, zinc, iron, potassium, and magnesium.
  2. Apple prevents tooth decay and dental caries. Apple cider gargling improves teeth whitening. Apple is associated with anti-cancerous properties due to the presence of triterpenoids.
  3. Apple has plenty of fibre, so eating apples reduces the desire for more and more eating, helping prevent obesity.
  4. Apple prevents cholesterol accumulation on arterial walls and is good for healthy hearts.
  1. The presence of anthocyanins reduces the risk of diabetes type 2.
  2. The phenolic compounds reduce the risk of asthma in newborn babies.
  3. The quercetin compound in apple control blood sugar.

2. Banana

  1. Banana is abundant with potassium, which is highly beneficial in lowering high blood pressure.
  2. Banana has an antacid effect, which helps thicken the stomach layer, thus preventing peptic ulcers.
  3. Banana is suitable both for weight loss and weight gain. When it is taken with milk, it helps in weight gain. Solely eating bananas fills your stomach, reducing your desire for more eating.
  4.  The ripe banana has glucose, fructose, sucrose, and fibre, which is helpful for instant energy.
  5. Potassium in bananas maintains a smooth flow of oxygen to the brain, thus suitable for brain and learning abilities.

3. Pineapple

  1. The presence of bromelain enzyme in pineapple aids in digestion by breaking down proteins into simpler forms and provides an antacid effect by neutralising acids.
  2. Pineapple helps to reduce joint pain, muscle pain, and arthritis due to its anti-inflammatory nature.
  3. Pineapples help in the strengthening of bone owing to manganese content. Manganese is beneficial in growing bone at the younger stage, while it helps strengthen bone at the older stage.
  4. Pineapple maintains eye health as it contains beta-carotene and vitamin A. These bio-chemicals prevent macular degeneration and loss of eye vision, too.

4. Papaya

  1.  Papaya eating is recommended to treat nausea, morning, and motion sickness.
  2.  Papaya is effective in expelling worms from the stomach. One should take 1-2 tsp of papaya seeds and honey twice daily to remove worms from the stomach and intestine.
  3. Papaya is a sexual booster fruit. The enzyme arginine in papaya regulates blood movement around the penis and enhances the sexual energy of the person. Papaya also helps to overcome erectile dysfunction.
  4. The phytochemicals such as alpha-hydroxy, vitamin C, E, and carotenoids prevent premature ageing and help glow skin.
  5. Enzymes like papain and chymopapain help to reduce inflammation.
  6. The paste of peeled papaya, banana, curd (every 100 grams), molasses, and coconut oil (1 tsp each) on your hair and leave it for 30 minutes. Wash it with lukewarm water. It is good for overcoming of dandruff.
  7. Papaya opens up clogged pores, which are beneficial in getting rid of wrinkles and pimples.

5. Strawberry

  1.  Strawberries are called nutrient powerhouse because of their packed nutrient content.
  2. Strawberries are beneficial against diseases like cardiovascular disease, arthritis, blood pressure, cancer, and gout.
  3. Strawberries have more vitamin C than citrus fruits, thus boosting immunity and strengthening the body’s immunity system, thereby preventing many diseases.
  4. Rubbing strawberries over teeth helps to remove tartar and is good for gum healing.  Teeth stains can be removed when teeth are washed with strawberries and half tsp of baking soda.
  5. The phytochemicals like vitamin C, flavonoids, anthocyanin, ellagic and phenolic compounds help relieve many eye disorders.
  6.  Strawberries are beneficial for glowing skin as it helps to enhance the skin’s elasticity and resilience.
  7. It is also good for pregnancy, strengthening bones, controlling dandruff and hair loss.

6. Blueberry

  1.  Blueberries are a storehouse of antioxidants, phytochemicals, vitamins, and minerals.
  2. Blueberries are good in the contending abdominal fat as these help to lower triglycerides and cholesterol.
  3. Blueberries contain vitamins A, B, C, E and other essential minerals. All these bio-chemicals are considered as good for brain health. This is one of the best fruits for a healthy brain.
  4. Blueberries’ antioxidants activate the brain-protective enzymes catalase and superoxide dismutase, helping improve memory loss.
  5.  The problems of Alzheimer’s can be reduced to a greater extent if a person develops the habit of eating blueberries regularly.
  6. Blueberries are also good for eyesight, prevent heart diseases, help in anti-ageing, cure constipation, and avoid cancer and urinary tract infections.

7. Raspberry

  1. Raspberries contain anthocyanins and polyphenol compounds, which help alleviate inflammation of arthritis, gout, and rheumatism.
  2. Raspberry ketone enzyme controls metabolic activities through adiponectin, thus preventing obesity and weight.
  3. Raspberry has lutein, which controls macular degeneration, acts against cataracts and glaucoma, and is good for healthy eyesight.
  4. Raspberries help prevent cancer and heart diseases and slow ageing.
  5. Raspberries are full of vitamin C and other important phytonutrients that help to strengthen the immune system.
  6. When applied, the paste of raspberry and yoghurt over the face helps to cure wrinkles, pimples, and blemishes. The paste should be washed after 20 minutes.

8. Plum

  1.  Plums are one of the few fruits low in fat, glycemic rating, and calories.
  2. Savor plums as plum pickles, jams, dishes, and wine.
  3. Plums help prevent cancer, regulate blood sugar, and control weight loss.
  4. Plum is a natural laxative and helps in curing constipation.
  5. Helps in the formation of RBCs due to plenty of iron and potassium.
  6. It is suitable for healthy eyesight and prevents macular degeneration.
  7. It combats cholesterol by inhibiting LDL.

9. Peaches

  1. Peaches are excellent sources of antioxidants, increase longevity, and contending free radicals fittingly.
  2. Peach is packed with vitamin A and B-carotene, which improve eye vision and are suitable for healthy eyesight.
  3. Peaches benefit from heart diseases, high blood pressure, and weight loss.
  4. Peaches are rich in vitamin C, B1, and B2, these help in strengthening the immune system.
  5.  Peaches improve skin complexion and skin glow due to the presence of vitamin C and potassium.
  6.  Abundant with fibre and potassium, it promotes kidney cleanser and detoxification.
  7. Peach prevents stomach disorders and abdominal problems owing to fibre, which absorbs excess water and clears waste products from the body.

10. Pear

  1. Pears reduce blood pressure by containing glutathione and potassium, which regulate blood pressure and stroke.
  2. Pear is rich in dietary fibre, which is insoluble and facilitates smooth bowel movement.
  3. The presence of excess fibre, a high level of pectin, and the binding capacity of bile salts lower cholesterol levels in the body.
  4. It is helpful in breathing problems and acts as an immunity booster.
  5. Pear prevents cancer, osteoporosis, and down fever.

5 thoughts on “List of Top 10 Most Popular And Favorite Fruits Of United States of America (USA)”

  1. Plums I would believe would not combat LDL in it self but a specific something in the plum might if isolated. Unfortunately the plum and most fruits containing sucrose, glucose, and especially fructose would put you at a net loss in your LDL cholesterol benefits for eating almost any fruits.

  2. My lil bro said pineapple is gross I was shocked then I looked at this website and saw it was in the top 3 now I know exactly my lil bro was wrong


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