Diabetes Overview
In diabetes, sugar increases in the blood due to insufficient insulin production from the pancreas. It means the primary focus should be insulin secretion and pancreas functioning mechanisms. The natural foodstuffs available at your home and kitchen can be essential in treating high blood sugar. These simple and easily accessible home remedies can cure diabetes permanently. Simultaneously, one should take care of physical activity, stress, and what to eat and what one shouldn’t eat.
Ten wonder home remedies to manage diabetes.
- Bitter gourd: Diabetes patients should give weightage to bitter gourd juice as it contains hypoglycaemic bio-chemical substances, which are beneficial to treat the high level of sugar in the blood and thus helpful in managing diabetes type 2 and type 1. Method: ½ cup of bitter gourd juice in the morning is one of the best remedies for it.
- Bengal gram: Eating Bengal gram is one of the best examples of glucose tolerance, thus reducing the risk of diabetes. It’s said that gram is also suitable for chronic diabetes.
- Bitter melon: Bitter melon is known as anti-diabetic because of the presence of character and polypeptide-p, which are good in lowering blood sugar levels naturally. Method: Take ½ to ¼ cup of bitter melon juice in the morning.
- Fenugreek seeds: Its seeds contain galactomannan, which is good in lowering the rate of digestion and absorption of carbohydrates. Method: 10 grams of fenugreek seeds soaked in 1 cup of hot water is recommended.
- Indian gooseberry: Eating amla helps control the high sugar level. It also contains chromium, which regulates carbohydrates and is thus suitable for insulin. Method: The mix of Indian gooseberry and bitter gourd juice stimulates the pancreatic cells and reduces blood sugar.
- Jamun: Eating Jamun is beneficial in insulin regulation. The chewing Jamun leaves (4 to 5 ) in the morning and evening also shows positive results in diabetes.
- Bay leaf: Taking the mix of bay leaf + turmeric + aloe vera gel (½ tsp) before lunch and dinner is beneficial in lowering sugar.
- Mango leaves: Take mango leaves and one glass of water. Now, please leave it overnight; you can drink it after filtration, which suits sugar patients.
- Turmeric powder: The mix of honey + turmeric powder + dried gooseberry powder also positively impacts diabetes.
- Curry leaf: Chewing curry leaves twice or thrice a day benefits the patients.
15 Best Yoga for diabetes prevention
- Sirsasana
- Ardha matsyendrasana
- Vakrasana
- Mayurasana
- Bhujangasana
- Frog pose
- Uddiyan Bandha
- Kapalbhati
- Suryanamaskar
- Meditation
- Paschimotasana
- Trikonasana
- Dhanurasana
- Shalabhasana
- Katichakrasana
Top 10 Ayurvedic medicines for diabetes
- Take Rose apple, Bel, and Neem on an empty stomach.
- Turmeric
- Methi seeds (100gm), turmeric (50gm), white pepper, and a glass of milk.
- Amalaki Churna, Turmeric powder, and Naag Bhasma.
- Bel leaves
- Copper vessel water in the morning
- Tulsi, neem, and belpatras leaves
- Onion
- Bastard flour and sugar
- Powder of stem of Indian Sarsaparilla, Tamala leaf, and root of glycyrrhiza
8 Homeopathic medicine to treat diabetes
- Phosphorus
- Syzygium Jambolanum
- Aurum Metallicum
- Uranium Nitricum
- Arsenicum Bromatum
- Insulinum
- Phosphoric acid
- Lactic acid
7 Unani medicine for diabetes
- Black pepper oil
- Fennel oil
- Juniper oil
- Carrot oil
- Eucalyptus oil
- Geranium oil
- Lemon oil
How to cure diabetes naturally
The following naturopathic treatments are beneficial in the treatment and management of diabetes.
- Mud Therapy
- Hydrotherapy
- Coldwater bathing
- Massage Therapy
- Sun Bath
- Morning walk
Best diabetic diet
- Morning: Bitter gourd juice
- Breakfast: Sprouted gram and Amla juice
- Lunch: Roti, vegetables, salad, curd, buttermilk
- Evening: Gram and vegetable soup
- Dinner: Roti, vegetables, and salad
Diabetic vegetables and fruits
- Fibrous fruits
- Soybean
- Bean
- Turnip
- Cucumber
- Garlic
- Lauki
- Bitter gourd
- Spinach
- Fenugreek
- Bathua
- Chaukie
- Amla
- Jamun
- Bel
- Cabbage
Juice for Diabetes
The following juices are good for diabetes patients
- Grapefruit juice
- Neem
- Basil
- Apple
- Garlic
- Karela
- Margosa
- String bean pod tea
Diabetic prevention
Avoid the following
- Cakes
- Fast and junk foods
- Jaggery
- Ghee
- Butter
- Cold drinks
- Biscuits
- Junk food
- Oily and fried
- Non-veg
- Fine flour
- Smoking
- Stress
- Alcohol
What is the best natural remedy for diabetes?
For the best natural remedies for diabetes, one has to include the following herbs or medicines in the diet.
- Curcumin
- Ginseng
- Fenugreek
- Psyllium
- Cinnamon
- Aloe vera
- Bitter melon
- Milk thistle
- Holy basil
How to lower blood sugar quickly?
Unique ways to lower blood sugar levels naturally and quickly
- Make exercise a regular habit.
- Combat stress through yoga and meditation.
- Focus on fiber
- Drink more and more water
- Reduce the intake of carbohydrate
- Take foods low in glycemic index, e.g. seafood, legumes, fibre, sprouts, etc.
- Check your sugar levels regularly
- Give weightage to sound sleep
- Regular use of fenugreek seeds
- Increase the intake of foods rich in chromium and magnesium.
Diabetes Symptoms
- Sticky urine
- Frequent urination
- frequent hunger
- Feeling thirsty always
- Dry skin
- Weak eyesight
- Tiredness
- Delay healing of wounds
- Itching
- Weight fluctuation
- Low sexual urge
Causes of Diabetes
- Genetics
- Improper nutrition
- Obesity
- Overeating
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Stress
- Steroids drugs
- Use of alcohol
- Hypertension
- High cholesterol
- Excess intake of sugar
Complications of Diabetes
- Kidney Problems
- Heart disease
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Hypoglycemia
- Stomach nerve damage
- Retinopathy and Glaucoma
- Joint disorders
- Teeth and gums problems
- Neuropathy
- Diabetic Coma
Amazing article. The efforts put into writing this article is really commendable and worth sharing to those suffering from this ever-increasing and deadly disease. I really appreciate the serious and selfless attitude towards writing this blog.
This is the best easy remedies to manage diabetes. Thank you so much for sharing such kind of news.
Very informative Article. Thanks for sharing.
exhaustive write up
This site is loaded. Thanks for your healthcare.
Great post! Thank you for the insightful article.
good information , i want regular updates on daibetes how?
Nice article. Diabetic people also add these foods in diet on a regular basis.
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