25 Simple Prevention Tips for Hair fall

Premature hair fall is typical in men due to some critical causative factors. For thinning of fair, some crucial reasons are age, hereditary, pregnancy, bleaching, colouring, menopause, PCOS, stress, diabetes, medications, illness, etc. Many cost-effective solutions are available which can naturally prevent hair loss. Here, some of the critical hair fall prevention steps, home remedies to control hair loss, and natural tips are given, which can be tried at home to stop hair permanently.

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Hair Loss Prevention by Unani Medicine of Hamdard

The very motto of Unani is that diseases and conditions are a natural process. The body has self-preservative powder which can contend disorders happen inside the body. Unani medicines have a complete solution for hair loss. Unani medicine believes in the Promotion of health, prevention of diseases and the system strongly believes in nature and its healing properties.

List of Unani Medicine for hair fall

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7 Easy Home Remedies to Cure Hair Loss

The thinning of hair on the scalp is not a good symptom. Lifestyle changes, faulty dietary patterns, hormonal changes, vitamin deficiency, etc., are solely responsible for hair loss. Growing and … Read more

Top 10 Foods for Glowing Skin and Shining Hair

Many of us know the phrase   ‘We are what we eat’, which clearly indicates the very essence of a healthy body and mind. To have glowing skin and shining hair, one should take those balanced and nutritious diets, which are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. These may be present in healthy fat, proteins, and fresh fruits, leafy and green vegetable. These diets help to keep your skin well-nourished, hydrated, and young, thus help in a glowing complexion. These foods also make your hair silky and shining.

List of diets for gorgeous skin and silky hair

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Unani Medicine Tips for Hair Loss (Intisar-e-Sha’r)

We often see new products in the form of shampoo, lotions, and conditioners, either on paper or in the shops, to prevent hair loss and fall. How much such products are beneficial for hair, everybody knows their fruitfulness. Hair loss is common among youth, especially urban people, who start at the end of puberty.

Following natural tips and home remedial measures is a wise step to prevent hair fall.  Hair fall control can be managed through Unani treatment.


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