There are diets, supplements, and so-called packed proteins, now and then making big news for fast weight loss, but if we see them minutely, only some people have scientific evidence. Much research has been conducted in areas like sound sleep, stress, fasting, diet, refined carbohydrates, fibre intake, gut bacteria, etc., wherein it has been found that these diet plans and other strategies help in fast weight loss. Here, we will discuss research-based proofs for weight loss that work.

5 Research tips to lose weight
1. Sound Sleep
Many studies have shown correlations between obesity and sleep. It has been found that sleeping less than 7 to 8 hours results in obesity. The body cannot convert calories into energy due to insufficient sleep, which ultimately converts to fat. Inadequate sleep also leads to more cortisol production, which triggers fat storage.
2. Stress
Nowadays, stress is becoming one of the critical factors for numerous diseases, including obesity and overweight. Prolonged stress prompts cortisol secretion, instructing the body to eat more. However, stress can be counter through yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises, viz., pranayama. Read: Stress & Yoga
3. Gut Bacteria
Hundreds of research have been conducted on gut bacteria health and its impacts on human functioning, including fat accumulation. Our body consists of about 37 trillion bacteria. The very motto of these bacteria is to expedite energy production from calorie consumption, thereby enhancing smooth food assimilation and preventing fat deposition. The amount of gut bacteria increases in the body by taking fruits, vegetables, fermented foods (Sauerkraut, curd, yoghurt and tempeh), onion, garlic, banana and avocado.
4. Take an adequate amount of fibre
Taking suitable amounts of fibre ensures fullness of the stomach, leading to less craving for food; thus, it is an effective weight loss method. Therefore, one should take foods viz. fruits, vegetables, peas, beans, pulses, nuts, seeds, oats, barley and rye.
5. No sugar and refined carbohydrate
Juices and beverages’ sugar impacts are manifold on obesity, weight gain and other lifestyle-related diseases and disorders. No one should strictly avoid refined carbohydrates such as white rice, bread and pasta as these lack fibre. These foods are absorbed quickly in the blood in the form of glucose and promote the secretion of insulin. On the other hand, insulin triggers fat storage in the body.
Seven healthy tips to help you lose weight
- Eat slowly
- One shouldn’t skip meals
- Keep yourself hydrated
- Do intermittent fasting
- Your breakfast should be protein-rich
- More thrust upon exercise
- Alcohol and junk food should be minimised.