10 Surprising Health Benefits of Asparagus Salad Recipes

Asparagus salad

  • As soon as the spring gives hints of her arrival, asparagus starts knocking on the door of vegetable shops in the market.
  • The visibility of this unique spear-shaped vegetable is quite conspicuous.
  • It is full of nutrients and can fight many diseases and disorders due to its medicinal uses.
  • It is grown in Europe, Australia, and Western Asia.
  • In America, it is mainly grown in California, Michigan, and Washington.10 Surprising Health Benefits of Asparagus Salad Recipes

10 surprising benefits of asparagus salads

  1. Asparagus for oedema treatment: It’s a boon for oedema patients. It has an adequate amount of asparagine amino acid, which helps increase urination and release excess salts from the body. It is a natural diuretic and also suitable for heart-related patients.
  2. Asparagus is good for the brain: It suits the brain’s health. It has folate that prevents cognitive degeneration. The compound folate, along with B12, plays an influential role in the better health of the brain and mental aspects of the mind.
  3. Asparagus fights breast cancer: The medicinal vegetable can fight breast cancer and cancers like the lung, colon, bone, and larynx due to glutathione, a biochemical compound that breaks carcinogenic compounds into simpler forms. It contains a blend called Inulin, which doesn’t digest in the upper alimentary canal but is better food for bacteria like Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria, which prompts nutrient absorption in the alimentary canal, thus preventing colon allergy and cancer.
  4. Asparagus slow down the ageing process: The presence of powerful antioxidants may help to combat free radicals, thus preventing cell-damaging and slowing down the ageing process. Glutathione in asparagus protects the skin from sunburns and pollution.
  5. Asparagus nutritional facts and values:  One cup of Asparagus contains nutrients as follows: Calorie (27), fat (0), carbohydrate (5 grams), sugar (3grams), fibre (3grams), protein (3grams), vitamin K (70% of your daily requirement), vitamin A (20%), folate (17%), Iron (16%) and vitamin C (13%). It also has vitamin E, niacin, vitamin B6, and potassium. (Source: USDA National Nutrient Database).
  6. Asparagus is good for infant health: The presence of folic acid helps protect against many problems of unborn babies, like congenital disabilities, including the miscarriage issue of the mother.
  7. Asparagus fights depression: It ensures the proper flow of nutrients into the brain without getting affected by homocysteine. The more significant percentage of homocysteine hinders the production and regulation of hormones like serotonin and dopamine, which are beneficial for mood and sleep.
  8. Improves bone health: It contains plenty of vitamin K, which prevents bone fracture, osteoporosis, smooth absorption of calcium into blood, bones, and joint elasticity.
  9. Asparagus for weight loss: An abundance of fibre and water ensures better digestion and prevents constipation. The high percentage of fibre helps to release toxins from the body and reduces the chances of inflammation, which indirectly helps in combating obesity and diabetes. The saponin in the vegetable ensures fat regulation in the body, thus suitable for obesity and overweight.
  10. Controls diabetes: It has many anti-inflammatory nutrients, such as saponins, asparagus A, sarsasapogenin, protodioscin, and diosgenin. These anti-inflammatory compounds are pretty effective in fighting against type 2 diabetes and heart disease.  Chromium facilitates insulin’s better work.

How would you like to prepare asparagus?

It is the best way to prepare asparagus as a whole. The soft and tender stems do not need to be peeled; wash them before cooking. However, thorny stems are required to be peeled, followed by washing them with fresh water.

How to cook and eat asparagus?

There are many ways to cook, thereby serving asparagus. Some of the simple processes of cooking asparagus are given below:

  1. Cooking with water: Make a small bundle of tender asparagus and boil it to boil water. Make it simmer for 5 minutes and drain the water. I placed it on ice. The recipe is ready for serving.
  2. Steamed asparagus: Placed it into a steam bowl and kept there for 5 minutes. Now, could you take it out for serving?
  3. Roasted: Heat it for 3-5 minutes. Add olive oil, lemon, salt, and pepper to make it tasty and flavour.
  4. Salads fry: Fry it for a few minutes and use lemon and black salt to make it delicious for salads.

List of asparagus recipes

  1. Putting asparagus into any salads.
  2. Asparagus can be mixed with chicken
  3. The combination of fried seafood and asparagus
  4.  Salmon and asparagus is also a good idea.
  5. Garlic, shrimp, and asparagus.
  6. Asparagus with olive oil, lemon, black salt, and pepper

Types of asparagus

The different varieties of asparagus are given below:

  1. American and British: It is green in colour. It is the common one and is generally found everywhere.
  2. French: It is purple. It is comparatively more minor but flavorous.
  3. Spanish and Dutch: white. It is incredibly delicious and but needs extra care to grow.

Health risks of asparagus

  • Eating this vegetable leads to the formation of gas.
  • A strong urine odour appears because of asparagus acid, where sulfur compounds are broken.
  • Allergic persons should skip eating it as they can face stuffy nose and breathing difficulties

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