The Best Health Benefits of Sprouts and Sprouting

20 Medicinal uses of sprouts

  1. Sprouted cereals, the elixir of life, and panacea for all ailments have been in vogue since ancient times. Wherever Rama wandered in the forest, he was presented with raw sprouts.
  2. When cereals are taken in a sprouted state, these become more digestible and assimilable in lesser time and new food factors spring up.
  3. The following percentage of increase from dry to the sprouted seed of wheat: Niacin (68), Thiamin B-1 (30), Riboflavin (325), Pantothenic acid (67), Pyridoxine (80), Biotin (120), Folic Acid (300), Choline (600) and Ascorbic Acid (30).
  4. Sprouted seeds stop bleeding.
  5. Each cell of the body gets rejuvenated when Amla water is used for sprouting
  6. Sprouts are medicine because of their immense therapeutic value in the domains of immunity, blood purification, enriched nutritional content, mind development, etc.
  7. Sprouts are miracle food as they are abundant in protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes.
  8. Sprouts are a few of the effective foods that are helpful in maintaining a balance between acidity and alkalinity.
  9. A person who is suffering from acidity should take sprouts regularly. It not only counters acidity, yet it helps to eradicate acidity completely.
  10. Sprouts are helpful in weight loss and obesity prevention due to the presence of abundant fiber. Eating sprouts before lunch or dinner fulfills the desire for hungriness and also gives an experience of filling the stomach, which compels the person of taking comparatively lesser amounts of food.
  11. Sprouts like Brussels and alfalfa are loaded with vitamins E, A, B2, B5 & K, iron, potassium, folic acid, and zinc, along with a heavy percentage of protein. All these constituents are helpful in hair growth, strengthening hair, and preventing hair loss.
  12. Sprouts contend free radicals because of antioxidants thereby helpful in the prevention and management of many diseases.
  13. Sprouts are the miracle as well as the superfoods because starch converts into simpler carbohydrates such as glucose, fructose, and maltose, which is good for digestion.
  14. Sprouts are rejuvenating foods as these enhance vigor and vitality, and help to manage Diabetes and Arthritis (fenugreek).
  15. When the wheat sprout grows into a plant 5-6 cms long, its juice is drunk or used in several other ways, curing deadly diseases, even cancer.
  16. The Khasas of the Himalayas, the inhabitants of northern Laos, and Greece sowed seeds every Monday in a corner of their house and drank the juice of the grass the next Monday. This is called Somras, the cure for diseases, disorders, and ailments.
  17. The Kabul inhabitants, people of Peshawar, and western Punjab don’t crush their pulses instead they take the same in sprouted form, which gives them vigorous health.
  18. The seeds of alfalfa are a miracle food as they are having life-giving nutrients.
  19. The sprouted alfalfa contains important vitamins like D, E, K, and J. It is also the storehouse of iron, calcium, and phosphorous, which are especially beneficial for the growth and safety of teeth and the brain.
  20. 10-20 grams of sprouted alfalfa should be taken 2-3 times a day at regular intervals, acts like a panacea for blood pressure neurasthenia.

Also ReadHealth Benefits of Sprouts for Weight Loss and Hair Fall

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