What is a wind-relieving pose in yoga?
Wind Relieving Pose is one of the important yoga poses, known for numerous health benefits. Suppose somebody is experiencing a heavy stomach or pain in the abdominal region or somewhere else in the body due to gaseous problems. In that case, this yoga pose acts as a panacea. Also, Pawanmuktasana can play an important role in removing the trapped gases, flatulence and harmful toxins from the body. Thus, if the gas-relieving pose is done with the correct technique and instructions, it helps prevent many diseases and complications.s

Why should Wind Relieving Pose be performed through the right leg first?
- After digestion in the small intestine, the waste matter moves to the large intestine (colon).
- The large intestine is about five feet long and rises upwards on the right side of the body, crosses horizontally in the navel region and then goes downwards on the left side.
- It terminates in the anus.
- Thus, it is recommended to first perform with the right leg so that the waste matter can move in the proper direction and be released through the left colon part.
How do you breathe while performing a wind-relieving pose?
- Exhale while coming to the final position.
- Hold your breath while maintaining the pose.
- Inhale and come to the original position.
- Breathing should be deep and synchronised.
- Its benefits increase often if one holds one breath while in the raised position.
How do you feel about doing a wind-relieving pose step by step?
Stage 1
- Bend the right leg and bring it as near as possible to the chest.
- The left leg should be straight and stretched.
- Place the hands over the knee and interlock the fingers.
- Try to bring the knee nearer the chest.
- Breathe out while raising the head.
- Now, try to touch your nose with your knee.
- Hold your breath as long as you are in the final stage.
- Exhale slowly and bring your head and shoulders to the floor.
- Do 2-3 rounds.
Stage 2
- Bend the left leg towards the chest.
- The procedure will remain the same as in stage 1.
- Do 2-3 rounds.
Stage 3
- Now, fold both legs to the chest.
- Repeat the exact instructions as mentioned above.
- Do 2-3 rounds.
8 Interesting Facts about wind relieving pose
- The pose should first be performed using the right leg, followed by the left one.
- The wind relieving pose is a single yoga posture that can be practised even before clearing the bowel.
- It is the best yoga pose to massage the abdominal organs.
- It is also known as Pawanmuktasana, where Pawan means ‘air or gas’, Mukta means ‘release’, and Asana shows yoga posture.
- Even the most unhealthy person can do this asana.
- It is pronounced as puh–vuhn-mukt-aahs-uh-nuh.
- It is known by different names like wind relieving pose, liberating wind pose, breeze removing pose, and One-Legged Knee-to-Chest Pose.
- This yoga pose can be done anytime except after a meal.
Seven benefits of wind relieving pose
- Remove trapped gases from the stomach: This yoga pose works wonders for those complaining about stomach pain. Generally, it is caused by the formation of excessive gas in the stomach. One should first start practising Pawanmuktasana through the right leg to remove gas. However, after the practice session, one feels light as the maximum gas is released.
- Belly fat: It is a beautiful yoga pose to shed excess belly fat. This yoga practice exerts suitable pressure, stretching, and compression on the abdominal region, helping to melt belly fat and a fatty layer of this body part. The stomach seems to bulge due to the formation of excessive gases. After the yoga session, to a more significant extent, the stomach appears a little bit flat. Also Read: Best yoga for belly fat burning
- Enhances efficiency of abdominal organs: It gives suitable massage to the abdominal organs, enhances blood circulation and stimulates the muscles and nerves of these regions and organs, thus preventing many diseases and conditions.
- Weight loss can also be practised for weight loss. The practice of the pose helps to enhance the digestion process, thus preventing indigestion. Also, suitable stretching and twisting aid in weight loss and management.
- For healthy ovary and Testes: It massages the reproductive organs suitably. It also stirs its activity and can be helpful in the prevention of sterility and impotence.
- Remove flatulence: This is particularly useful in removing flatulence and constipation.
- Make your spine healthy: It helps to make the spine healthy and strengthens the back.
Wind relieving poses contraindications.
Pawanmuktasana shouldn’t be practised under the following conditions.
- Abdominal surgery
- Neck pain
- Pregnancy
- Hernia
- Piles
- Menstruation
- Hyper-acidity
- High Blood Pressure
- Slipped disc
Preparatory pose
- Bridge Pose
- Raised leg pose
- Half Plough pose
- Supta Pawanmuktasana
Follow up pose
- The Locust pose
- Cobra Pose
- Bow Pose
- Fish pose
- Wheel pose