10 Wonder Benefits of Rabbit Pose Yoga for Hair Fall and Fair Skin

What is rabbit pose?

Rabbit pose is one of the best yoga poses and is vital in managing stress and anxiety. If one sees the basic structure of the Rabbit pose, it makes us remember our childhood days when we liked to spend maximum time in a posture like the curved moon or Sasanga condition. Since the moon symbolises calmness and has soothing impacts on the nervous system, the practice of the pose helps relieve stress.  Weight loss, hair fall and skin complexion can be achieved by practising this pose. It also has more excellent therapeutic benefits to combat anger and tension.

10 Wonder Benefits of Rabbit Pose Yoga for Hair Fall and Fair Skin
Rabbit Pose

Different names

  • Sasangasana
  • Shashankasana
  • Moon pose
  • Hare Headstand pose
  • Hare pose
  • Prostration Pose
  • Naman Pranamasana


The pose shouldn’t be practised in the following conditions.

  • Spinal injury
  • Backache
  • Knee pain
  • Migraine
  • Abdominal injury
  • Neck issues
  • Glaucoma
  • Uncontrolled blood pressure
  • Pregnancy



  • Since it gives adequate pressure on the spine, warm-up exercises, viz. triangle pose, sun salutation, etc., are needed before practising it.
  • While performing the pose, do adequate arms stretching outward.
  • Focus on your breathing in the final stage while experiencing the stretching on the spine.

Modifications and Variations

Though, it’s an easy pose. However, somebody experiencing difficulties should keep a blanket under the knees.

Top 10 benefits of Rabbit pose

  1. Hair loss: If you are anxious about falling hair, it is better to practice the pose regularly. The yoga asana helps exchange the oxygenated blood flow into the hair follicle. It nourishes the hair and is suitable for its health, too.
  2. Facial glow: since the practice maximises fresh blood in the facial region, it helps glow skin.
  3. Weight loss: when one raises the buttock, the abdominal region moves inward and puts pressure there.
  4. Stress: It is stress-buster yoga because of its soothing impact on the muscles and nervous system. Because of its cooling effect on the nervous system, it is a boon in managing stress, anxiety, anger and tension.
  5. Back muscles: It makes your back strengthen. It stretches the entire spine, especially the lower spinal area. Stretching and relaxation release pressure on the lower vertebrae and is suitable for backache heath.
  6. Insomnia: Because of its relaxing effects on the nervous system, many people fall asleep while practising poses.
  7. Concentration: It enhances memory and concentration by expediting the blood flow in the skull region.
  8. It gives adequate stretching to the pelvic region, thus helping to prevent sexual disorders.
  9. Massage of the stomach. Due to its massage to the abdominal organs, it helps prevent indigestion and constipation. On the other hand, it stirs the abdominal glands to secrete juice for digestion
  10. Relaxation yoga: As far as relaxation is concerned, it is one of the best yoga poses to give you complete peace, thereby preventing many diseases and disorders.

Top Facts about Rabbit Pose

  1. If somebody cannot perform a headstand and shoulder stand, it is better to go ahead with this yoga pose.
  2. Many people suffer from depression and stress, especially in developed countries. They should include this pose in their yoga exercises.
  3. It provides suitable stretching to the back, pelvis, thighs, arms, and spinal region.
  4. Regular practice strengthens the back, legs, and sexual organs and massages the digestive organs.


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