10 Surprising Health Benefits And Uses of Cloves: Side Effects & Warnings

What are cloves?

If you want to make your dishes full of flavour and spicy, go for a spice that is none other than Cloves. Besides an aromatic herb, it is also known for many health benefits. It has been used as a traditional medicine since ancient times. Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum) are the dried buds of the clove tree and have numerous health benefits such as improving liver condition, stabilising blood sugar, minimising stomach ulcers, etc.

10 Surprising Health Benefits And Uses of Cloves: Side Effects & Warnings
Cloves benefits and uses

10 impressive health benefits of cloves

  1. Nutritional facts of cloves: Cloves are known for their essential nutrient contents. The presence of manganese in the spice is suitable for a healthy brain and bones. About 2 grams of the herb contains Calories (6), Carbs(1gm), Fiber (1gm), Manganese (55%) of the daily value, and Vitamin K (2%) of the daily value.
  2. Full of antioxidants: It has an adequate amount of antioxidants, which combat free radicals and protect you from various infections and bacterial activity. It contains a phytochemical substance called Eugenol, which has greater relevance in stopping oxidative damage.
  3. Keep your liver healthy: The presence of eugenol in cloves helps to clean your liver, protect you from liver cirrhosis, and improve its health. This antioxidant also acts as an anti-inflammation and reduces the activity of oxidative stress.
  4. Reduces blood sugar level naturally: Cloves contain nigericin, which helps to absorb sugar from the blood and stimulates the pancreas to secrete insulin, thereby ensuring the regulation of blood sugar.
  5. Cloves for healthy bones: Low density in bones leads to risk of fracture and osteoporosis. Eugenol in cloves is suitable for overcoming osteoporosis and also increases the density of bones. On the other hand, manganese is also ideal for bone density, its formation, and overall health.
  6. Anti-bacterial: Cloves have anti-microbial properties. In a recent study, it has been confirmed that it can kill E. coli, thus saving the stomach from becoming upset.
  7. Relieve stomach ulcer pain: The biochemical substances present in cloves help mitigate the problems of the stomach and peptic painful ulcers. Cloves help to release mucous, which prevents the stomach lining from digestive acids.
  8. Oral health care: Cloves are highly beneficial if somebody has toothache pain. Using cloves rinse is effective in fighting against plaque, gingivitis, and other dental care and health and is also helpful in minimising inflammation.
  9. Reduces obesity and overweight risks: In a study with mice, it has been confirmed that clove extract helps to reduce the incidence of obesity and less abdominal and liver fat.
  10. Cancer prevention: The use of it is also beneficial in the prevention of cancer. However, it should be taken after the consultation of a physician.

Ten potential uses of cloves

Clove oils, dried flower buds, leaves, and stems are used for various purposes, including medicine. Some of the important uses of it are:

  1. It is used in soups, stews, meats, sauces, rice dishes, and other cooking.
  2. It is an essential ingredient in condiments like ketchup and Worcestershire sauce.
  3. There are cloves, which are used for aroma purposes in the case of various perfumes.
  4. It is used in the case to cause a numbing sensation.
  5. It is used to flavour oatmeal, muffins, and cookies.
  6. It is used to make chai, a combination of tea, spices, and cloves.
  7. It is used to make sweet dishes like ‘pumpkin pie’ along with cinnamon and nutmeg.
  8. Drinks like mulled wine and cider are also prepared from it.
  9. It is an essential ingredient in making gingerbread cookies and Briyani.
  10. Its essential oil is used in aromatherapy for stress relief and as a stimulating substance.

10 side effects and warnings of cloves

  1. Cloves shouldn’t be taken in high amounts as the chemical Eugenol may cause severe liver damage.
  2. Cloves may cause skin, eye, and respiratory problems.
  3. Skin allergy can also be observed.
  4. It should be taken cautiously because entering it into the airway may cause serious problems.
  5. The presence of eugenol facilitates slow blood clotting. Therefore, it shouldn’t be taken by people who have bleeding disorders.
  6. Applying clove oil on gums may damage gums and mucous membranes.
  7. Inhaling smoke from cloves can cause breathing and lung problems.
  8. Cloves generally shouldn’t be given to children as they may cause seizures, liver damage, and fluid imbalances.
  9. It is better to be avoided by pregnant and breastfeeding women.
  10. Avoid using clove oil at least two weeks before surgery.

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