Yoga for Personality Development
Every individual has in-depth potential to explore their inner persona, but some mental domains like fears, phobia, conflicts, excessive egotism, etc., keep this characteristic feature hidden. Yogic philosophy and approach can attain higher levels of consciousness and be an effective modality for personality development. The efficacy of yoga towards this has also been proven.
The different components of Yoga help differently in a person’s overall growth and personality development. Yogasanas help to bring flexibility, relaxation, toning, and balance. Pranayama restores harmony, and Dhyana facilitates the channelisation of thoughts. Bhakti yoga promotes mental and emotional development. Yoga and its various aspects enable intellect, intuition, wisdom, higher knowledge, and other positive effects on personality.
Yoga for physical development
Physical development means the growth of the body with abnormalities and ailments. External factors like diet, exercise, and environment also play an essential role in physical growth.
Yoga can play an essential role in the wellness of the body. By contending stress, the yogic practices vitalise the organs and stimulate body energy. A balanced body and mind can be achieved by practising asanas.
Regarding physical development, one has to be fit and healthy by practising different types of Kriyas, Asanas, Pranayamas, etc. Some of the critical Yoga that is beneficial for physical development are Tadasana, Trikonasana, Setubandha asana, Dhanurasana, Bhujangasana, Padmasana, Vajrasana, Naukasana, Shalabhasana, Kapalbhati and Pranayamas.
Yoga for intellectual development
Mental development is a perennial process that continues throughout life. The changes in cognitive functions like attention, memory, thinking, reasoning and problem-solving may be observed. Intelligence, development of language, and concept formation are the finer aspects of mental development.
Yogic Practices like Surya Namaskar, Tratak, and Pranayama enable the pineal gland to smooth learning and retain information and memory. Practising these poses helps to improve memory and other cognitive aspects significantly. Sukshma Vyayamas like Buddhi Tatha Dhristi-Shakti-Vikasaka (Developing the Mind and Will Power), Smarana Shakti Vikasaka, and Medha-Shakti- Vikasaka (Developing the Intellect) are also beneficial for the mental development of the body.
Yoga for emotional development
Man is an emotional entity. Emotion, an integral part of the individual, is essential for a balanced personality. The control and management of emotions are important indicators of emotional development and a flat character. Positive emotions and the diversion of negative emotions can bring desirable growth in the personality.
Stretching exercises (Tadasana, Parsavkonasana, Warrior pose, Stick asana), relaxation techniques, and pranayamas have significantly favourable changes in the emotional states of anxiety, stress, depression, guilt, and arousal.
Yoga for Social Development
Social development means the growth and development of attitudes and behaviours. Behavioural socialisation is also a part of it. Yogic practices like Yama, Niyama, Dhyana, etc., are essential to social development. Even in developed countries like the USA, it has been observed that the crime graph reduced after practising the above yoga.
Yama: The practice of Yama leads to an increase in concentration, mental purity, and steadiness. The following are the Yamas: Ahimsa (not to harm others), Satya ( to be truthful), Asteya (not to steal), Brahmacharya(celibacy), Aparigraha (not to possess beyond actual needs)
Niyama: There are five Niyamas: Souch ( external and internal purification), Santosh ( – contentment), Tapa (to make the proper efforts to achieve goals), Swadhyaya ( to study authentic texts and religious scriptures to acquire a correct knowledge of self and the supreme divinity and Ishwar Pranidhan (complete surrender to the divine will)
Yoga for spiritual development
Spiritual Development means self-awareness, contentment, self-acceptance, self-regard, self-actualisation, etc. Spiritual development takes place in the form of habits, values, and ethics. Dhyana is like a panacea and a robust spiritual growth and development tool. Practicing Yama, Niyama and Meditation is beneficial for spiritual growth. Self-enhancement can also be done through Ashtanga Yoga.
Thus, incorporating Yoga into everyone’s daily routine can unleash a holistic and integrated personality.