Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose) Steps, Variations And Benefits

Meaning of Virabhadrasana

  • Virabhadrasana is a Sanskrit word pronounced as “veer-ah-bah-DRAHS-anna”.
  • Virabhadra is derived from the name of a fierce mythical warrior.
  • वीरभद्रासन is a modern yoga that hasn’t found a place in the Hatha Yoga tradition.
  • The yoga pose has many variations.
  • Here, we will discuss its simple steps & technique, variations, benefits, precautions and contraindications.

How to Do Virabhadrasana- Warrior pose procedure

  • Stand in Tadasana.
  • Raise both arms above the head and join the palms or interlock the fingers.
  • Inhale; make a gap of 4 to 4½ feet between the legs.
  • Exhale; turn to the right and make the right foot 90 degrees so that the right knee and thigh are parallel to the floor.
  • Make sure that the soles are perpendicular to each other.
  • Now stretch yourself upwards, make your head a little bit backwards and feel the stretching from toes to head.
  • Hold the pose as long as you can maintain it.
  • Do the same procedure with the other side.
  • This is the one round. Do 2- 3 games.

    Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose) Steps, Variations And Benefits

Virabhadrasana variation II

  • Stand in Tadasana
  • Take a deep inhalation, and with a jump, spread the legs apart sideways 4 to 4½ feet.
  • Raise the arms sideways in line with the shoulders, palms facing down.
  • Exhale; turn to the right and make the right foot 90 degrees so that the right knee and thigh are parallel to the floor.
  • Stretch the hamstring muscles of the left leg.
  • The bent knee should not extend beyond the ankle but should align with the heel.
  • Stretch the hands sideways, as though two persons are pulling you from opposite ends.
  • Turn the face to the right and try to see the right palm.
  • Give adequate stretching to muscles of the left leg. The back of the legs, the dorsal region and the hips should be in one line.
  • Stay in the position as long as one can maintain.
  • Inhale and come to the original position slowly.

Virabhadrasana variation III

  • Here, the procedure is the same as mentioned above.
  • However, one leg is raised from the ground at a 90-degree angle.
  • The leg is adjusted so that the arms, the body and the raised leg form a straight line.
  • The same procedure is repeated with another leg.


Precautions and contraindications

  • People with weak hearts shouldn’t try it.
  • One shouldn’t maintain the pose for a more extended period.
  • High blood pressure patients should avoid this posture.
  • In case of a knee issue, it is better to skip the practice.


Virabhadrasana weight loss benefits

  1. The warrior pose is one of the best yoga poses for those wanting to lose weight. It is a strenuous exercise and gives suitable stretching from the toes to the head. Doing it regularly and maintaining it for a certain period helps to shed excessive fats from the body.
  2. The chest is fully expanded, thus facilitating deep breathing and effective in the prevention and management of asthma.
  3. It relieves stiffness in the shoulders and back.
  4. It tones up the ankles and knees and cures neck stiffness.
  5. It is an effective yoga pose to reduce fat around the hips.
  6. The leg muscles become more robust and relieve a cramp in the calf and thigh muscles.
  7. Helps to tone up the abdominal organs.
  8. Practicing this pose prepares one to practise the advanced poses in forward bending.


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