There are few traditional systems of medicine or alternative practices like yoga and acupressure, which are holistic. Acupressure and acupuncture are the most widely used cost-effective health practices in China and are also getting prominence worldwide. Acupressure through massage therapy can be used to lose weight if it is practised daily. Acupressure triggers various points in the body, thereby reducing stress, boosting metabolism, enhancing digestion, relieving constipation, controlling appetite, and many more, which directly or indirectly play essential roles in weight loss management. These are as effective as yoga, diet, and exercise.
Acupressure points to aid weight loss
Point 3 inches below the kneecap
- Do moderate circular massage using two fingers for 2 to 3 minutes on each point daily.
- It impacts organs of the upper abdomen and parasympathetic nervous system.
- It helps to boost metabolism, thereby aiding in weight loss.
- This point is also known as Zusanli (ST36).

Point 3 inches above the inner ankle bone
- Do a gentle circular massage on each point for 3 minutes using two fingers.
- It impacts organs of the lower abdomen and parasympathetic nervous system.
- It speeds up digestion and ensures a clean digestive system.
- This point is also known as Sanyinjiao (SP6).
Point four inches above the navel
- Do gentle and careful circular massage for 2 minutes on the point using two fingers.
- It impacts organs of the upper abdomen, such as the stomach and intestine.
- It is also known as Zhongwan (CV12).
The point on Philtrun, located 1 inch below where the nostril meets
- Do a gentle yet a bit hard circular massage for 2 minutes on the point using one finger.
- It is said the point directly influences weight and obesity.
- It is also called Renzhong (GV26).
Point away from the kneecap
- Do a gentle yet a bit hard circular massage on the point for 2 to 3 minutes using two fingers.
- It seems to have an impact on blood sugar levels.
- In Chinese, it is called Xuehai (SP10).
Point 1 inch below from the crease of the elbow joint: Inner elbow
- Press this point gently for 2 to 3 minutes daily with your thumb.
- The massage of this point stimulates intestinal function.
The ear point where the jaw starts from
- Press the point gently from where your jaw starts.
- It helps to control appetite.
Thumb point
- Apply moderate pressure for 2-3 minutes daily on the bottom area of your thumb.
- It helps stimulate the thyroid gland, thereby increasing the body’s metabolism process.
- One shouldn’t consider it a substitute for exercises and other weight loss techniques.
- While pressing the point, it should be moderate and gentle.
- It is better to do it initially with the help of an expert.
Side effects
- Being an alternative system of medicine, it has no side effects.