What are Kidney Stones?
If you are experiencing acute pain in your lower back or a continuous urge to urinate and profusely sweating, kidney stones are possible. Kidney stones are the excess accumulation of calcium or urea in the form of salts and minerals in the kidneys due to improper functioning. They generally develop due to poor and unhealthy dietary patterns, low water intake, obesity and constipation. Practising yoga can make a difference in kidney pains and remove kidney stones.
Ustrasana (Camel Pose)
The Camel Pose is good for your lower back. The pose helps exchange fresh oxygen to the kidneys, ensuring its detoxification. It also prevents kidney stone formation if it is practised technically correctly.

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
The kidneys purify our blood. During bhujangasana, they are compressed, thereby removing stagnant blood. On resumption of the starting position, the kidneys are irrigated with a fresh blood supply. Massaging these vital organs is usually tricky because they are comparatively inaccessible. Bhujangasana overcomes this difficulty, improving the kidneys’ efficiency and, thereby, the whole body’s health.

Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)
The kidneys are essential eliminative organs. They filter impurities from the blood and eliminate them from the body through urine. Therefore, any disorder or inefficiency in the workings of the kidneys will result in impure blood. Surya Namaskar gently massages these two organs, increasing their blood supply and speeding up circulation throughout the body. The result is that the kidneys are encouraged to function appropriately while, at the same time, the blood is given an additional flush and filtered through the kidneys. For best results, one should supplement the daily practice of Surya Namaskar by drinking plenty of clean, fresh water.

Uttanpadasana (Leg-Up Pose)
This asana cures stomach pains and tones the liver, the spleen and the kidneys. It provides excellent to the lower abdominal organs. It strengthens the muscles of your lower back, legs, abdomen and pelvic area. It assists in abdominal contraction and twisting, helping overcome stone formation in the kidney.

Pawanmuktasana (Wind-Relieving Pose)
This asana is a boon for gastric problems, subsides the issues of constipation and plays a vital role in flushing out kidney stones. This pose revitalises the nerves and muscles of the whole body. It profoundly affects all the abdominal organs, especially the kidneys, liver, spleen, intestines and pancreas. The pelvic organs are also massaged, improving kidney efficiency and removing associated ailments.

Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
In the case of the abdominal organs, sluggishness leads to indigestion, constipation, kidney and liver problems and various other common ailments of the abdomen. Of course, Dhanurasana is a powerful method of counteracting this condition, for it contracts, twists, expands and stretches the stomach, giving the internal organs, especially the kidney, the massage and exercise they require to perform their functions best. The bow pose stretches and strengthens all bodily muscles, enhances kidney processes, and remedies kidney stone symptoms.