Yoga for Safe Pregnancy
Pregnancy is the most exciting and challenging moment in a woman’s life. The growth and development of the unborn baby may be affected by hypertension, diabetes, stress, tension, anxiety, depression, and other diseases and disorders of the mother. These problems and lifestyle disorders may lead to exaggerated pregnancy conditions. Sometimes, the mother takes a heavy dose of painkillers that is unsafe for the unborn baby. Yoga, known for promotive, preventive, and curative interventions and therapeutic potential, solves many problems during pregnancy. Yoga can be vital in protecting the mother from various illnesses and ailments.

Yogic Intervention for Safe Delivery
Yoga is helpful to have safe and regular pregnancy delivery. Yoga, asanas, pranayama, and meditation help reduce pregnancy-related problems like backache, leg pain, nausea, and cortisol levels and promote normal labour.
Yoga for First Trimester (1-3 months)
In the first trimester, one may practice the yoga practices such as Ardha Titali asana (Half Butterfly), Poorna Titali asana (Full Butterfly), Supta Udarakarshan asana (Sleeping Abdominal Stretch Pose), Marjariasana (Cat Stretch Pose), Kati Chakrasana (Waist Rotating Pose), Tadasana (Palm Tree Pose) and Utthanasana (Squat and Rise Pose).
Ardha Titali asana is one of the essential asanas that is highly beneficial to safe delivery.
Supta Udarakarshan asana helps relieve spine stiffness due to prolonged sitting.
Marjariasana is an excellent asana for post-pregnancy to tighten the abdominal muscles. Marjariasana is also effective in cases of stiff and chronic backache.
Yoga for the second Trimester (3-6 months)
Yogasanas such as Matsya Kridasana (Flapping Fish Pose), Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose), Bhadrasana (Gracious Pose), Marjariasana (Cat Stretch Pose), and Hasta Utthanasan (Hand Raising Pose) may be practised during 3-6 months pregnancy period.
Matsya Kridasana helps to lose fat around the waist and is suitable for relaxation and sleeping.
Vajrasana reduces acidity and can be practised just after a meal. Bhadrasana is highly beneficial in pregnancy and facilitates easy childbirth.
Yoga for the Third Trimester (6-9 months)
For the third trimester, loosening exercises are suggested.
Yogasanas like Ardha Titali asana, Poorna Titali asana, and Supta Udarakarshan asana are good.
Vajrasana can be performed in all trimesters.
Yoga Precautions during Pregnancy
Some yogasanas should not be performed during pregnancy or in any trimester.
These asanas are Forward/ Backward Bending, Sarvangasana, Matsyasana, Pawanmuktasana, Ardha Shalabhasana, Pascimottanasana, Sasankasana, Bandhakonasana, Vakrasana, Ardhamatsyendrasana, Sasankasana Breathing, Padhastasana, Viprit Karni, Bhjungasana, Ustrasana and Vakrasana.
Yoga for Beauty
Yoga is effective in enhancing your beauty.
Yogic exercises can free your face from wrinkles, pimples, acne, and blemishes.
The asanas like Vrakshasana, Shirshasana, and Kapolshakti vikasasaka are very useful.
Uthit Kati Chalana is quite valuable for removing wrinkles from the neck.
Supthasta Padangushtasana helps fight wrinkles on the neck and face.
If facing problems like dark circles under your eyes, you should practice Ardha-Ushtrasana (Half camel pose).
Sitkari and Sitali pranayama are highly beneficial for facial beauty. Girls should especially practice this pranayama.
Yoga for Sexual Development
Yoga is beneficial in developing vigour, power, vitality, and sex. Yoga is good for better sex. It is suitable for sexual organ development, too.
Garudasana (Eagle Pose) enlarges testicles and strengthens thigh and muscles.
Siddha Yoni Asana (The female accomplished pose) is exceptionally beneficial for the physical sexual organs growth of women.
Matsyasana (Fish Pose) is suitable for throat diseases and helpful in curing women’s sexual malfunctioning.
Vrishasana (Bull Pose) is beneficial for sexual organs.
Shalbhasana and Dhanurasana help to invigorate sexual vigour.
Moolbandha enables the practitioner to maintain reasonable control of his sexual desires.
Marjariasana is very useful in improving the health of these organs and helping to eliminate reproductive disorders.
Bhujanasana asana massages the sexual organs.
Sarvangasana tones the reproductive organs and helps to prevent the degeneration of testes, gonads, and ovaries, as well as other sexual organs. Moola Bandha helps to transmute sexual energy.
Yoga Treatment for Sexual Diseases
Women are prone to various sexual diseases and gynaecological disorders. Yoga can be vital in leucorrhoea, menstrual problems, and other conditions.
Vyaghrasana (The Tiger Stretch Pose) loosens the stiff spines. Women suffering from sexual diseases like leucorrhea should practice this asana.
Sasankasana (Hare Pose) is good in managing sexual and gynaecological disorders.
Shalbhasana regulates the menstrual cycle of women.
Women suffering from menstrual irregularities and leucorrhea have achieved enormous benefits from the regular practice of Marjariasana. At the time of menstruation, Marjariasana can give relief from menstrual cramps.
Ladies who suffer sexual ailments like leucorrhea should do Vyahrasana regularly. Paschimottanasana has helped alleviate various types of sexual disorders.
Yoga Mudra helps alleviate different types of sexual disorders.
Sarvangasana helps to alleviate leucorrhea and spermatorrhea. Sarvangasana has been found beneficial in helping to relieve menstrual, menopausal, and other sexual disorders. Kandharasana is an excellent asana for helping to alleviate sexual malfunctions and to prevent any tendency towards miscarriage in childbirth.
Yoga after Child Birth
Agnisara helps improve digestion and reduces stomach fat after childbirth.
Marjariasana is excellent for post-pregnancy cases as it tightens the abdominal muscles and encourages the abdomen to resume its standard shape.
Shashank-Bhujangasana is particularly useful for toning female reproductive organs. It is an excellent asana for post-pregnancy women to strengthen and tighten the abdominal and pelvic region. It is beneficial for relieving menstrual disorders. Women who just completed childbirth should do Vyahrasana to bring about normality and firmness in the relevant areas.